A forthcoming elegy for lost friends

Blooms of a white hyacinth against a dark background fading to black.

Photo by Sister Luke, licensed under CC BY-SA

Last August, I posted a goodbye poem/letter breaking up with a friend who had hurt me profoundly years ago. In April of this year, the ex-friend was injured in a car accident. My wife contacted the ex-friend’s longtime chosen family member to see if we could visit her in the hospital. At the time, the ex-friend’s condition was too acute for visitors, but the family member said she’d let us know when that changed.

My former friend’s condition remained serious, and she never left hospital care. Tonight, my wife found out that she had died.

I do not regret ending our friendship, but I hate that I never got to visit her in her convalescence. I’ve emailed her chosen family member and let her know I’ll be going to the funeral.

I will be working on and eventually posting an elegy poem about loss of friendship and loss of friends, so interrelated and so painful.


The elegy: a sestina


Arts @ MIA filmstrip