My End-of-the-Year book sale

For the past four years, Athena Persephoni Publications has participated in Smashwords' End of Year Sale. Cultural Etiquette: a Guide for the Well-Intentioned by Amoja Three Rivers will be 50 percent off its regular price and my own Secret Insurrection: Stories from a Novel of a Future Time will be free on Smashwords from December 18 through January 1.

This year, in addition to participating in the Smashwords ebook sale, I’ll be putting the print versions of both books on sale starting December 21. Both books will be offered at a discount depending on what part of the world you’re buying it from, and the discount will show on all selling platforms. This sale, like the Smashwords sale, will end after January 1.


Article: “I Am a Victim of a Harmful Algorithm”


My star day