A native wildflower blooms

A hepatica plant blooms out of dead leaves and woodchips: A low-to the ground plant with white flowers with yellow centers; small, yellow-green leaves

Here is bloom number 2 from my garden. It’s a hepatica, a plant native to this part of the world. After it finishes blooming, broad leaves with three lobes each like wide clovers with sharp points will emerge to make a pretty puff of green foliage. I’ll post another photo when that happens.

I have a number of native wildflowers in my garden. Generally, I seldom purchase non-native plants unless they’re irises because I have a weakness for those beauties. I use a photo of a black iris from my yard as a symbol for myself on this website and on social media. Otherwise, I’m trying to make the plot of land I’m official owner of a habitat for native bees, butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds and other wildlife. I’m also covering my yard with a thick blanket of wood chips to kill the turf grass. I have no interest in maintaining and wasting water on a boring lawn.

The joy and calm I get from seeing my garden bloom and take shape every year helps to soothe me when the world is stealin’ my peace of mind, as a favorite song by Rhian Benson says. Current events are really being thievish now, so I need the mental refuge of my garden to keep me still and stable in these agitated and unstable times.


More early bloomers


My poem won a contest!