Making money moves!
I now have two of the biggest monetary awards for individual creative people in Minnesota under my belt, all of the sudden, in one year!
Performing for Power to the People
(Content advisory: some foul language)
I read two poems and spit a rap (!) at the Power to the People Stage for Twin Cities Pride on June 24, 2023.
Shut down the Minneapolis trash burner
I am appealing to Twin Cities-area folks to sign a petition to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners to have a definitive shutdown date for the trash burner in Downtown Minneapolis, called HERC, as central to its zero waste plan.
Celebrating Black LEGO Creators
Just in time for Black History Month, the Brick Architect has published my review of two Lego building books by artists/creators of African descent: "Beasts from Bricks" by Ekow Nimako and "Brick X Brick" by Adam Ward.