The elegy: a sestina
poetry, Blogging, Personal Athena Persephoni poetry, Blogging, Personal Athena Persephoni

The elegy: a sestina

In a poetry class I’m taking, the teacher educated us on the sestina, a very demanding poetic form with rules for word repetition for specific lines. I used the homework assignment to write a sestina to create my promised elegy to loss of friendship and friends.

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Wishing I could celebrate…
poetry, publications, guest blog Athena Persephoni poetry, publications, guest blog Athena Persephoni

Wishing I could celebrate…

Wishing I could celebrate my latest publication on Melissa Fondakowski’s blog Unfit to Print, but I’m still hurting over the death of my longtime colleague from the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, editor-journalist-activist Mel Reeves. Still, I’m grateful for the publication and for Melissa heaping such great praise upon me.

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A kiss-off letter becomes a poem
poetry, epistolary writing Athena Persephoni poetry, epistolary writing Athena Persephoni

A kiss-off letter becomes a poem

A now-former friend told me she has no sympathy for anybody who joins the military for any reason. Upon hearing this, I literally fell out in tears. Days later, she emailed me an apology that showed she still didn’t recognize the wrongness of her statement. The kiss-off email I wrote back turned into a poem.

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